Portable,computer controlled system for leak detection by mass spectrometry –  HELION

Funding agency:  CEEX - AMCESIT, Project no. 286/ 2008

Coordinator: InterNET SRL, Bucharest

                Project manager: Dr. Eng. Dragos Ofrim


P1. National Institute for Research and Development in Optoelectronics - INOE2000 

Partner project manager Dr. Viorel Braic

P2. “Politehnica” University Bucharest - CCMA

Partner project manager Eng. Iulian Iordache


New materials with low wear and low friction properties


Specific objectives for INOE 2000:

v  Competencies in developing custom-made systems for coatings deposition;

v  Surface treatment of specific bulk alloys enabling low wear and low friction




Modeling of the evolution of He, H2 and C+2 in the analyser













Diagram for electric feeder to ionizer




Mass spectrometer module:

Left: Experimental model

Right: Laboratory model








Ion source mounted inside the mass spectrometer




Structure of the software of the HELION device
























Electrometric amplifier before being mounted in HELION












Open view of the HELION portable, computer-controlled system for leak detection by mass spectrometry.








RO126252 (B1)/2017

Compact mass spectrometer for detecting leakiness by using helium as trace gas, V. Braic, A. Kiss, L. Braic,      D. Ofrim, B. Ofrim